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“Content is King, but Marketing is Queen''

Rob Swinburne

September 27th, 2021

If you’re familiar with marketing you might have come across Gary Vaynerchuk’s quote “Content is King, but marketing is Queen and the Queen runs the household.”

But, lately, digital marketing has taken on so many dimensions— from blogging, social media and so much more - that, by the time you’ve mastered one of them, there has been a load of changes seemingly to trip you up.  Given the infinite number of marketing channels available, where do you start?

Content Is King

Your content needs to be engaging and your marketing needs to support it. Your content should be high quality, consistent and meaningful for people to be drawn to it. If for example, you published a blog post each week people would know when to expect your content and likely come back, good content can also get you noticed and linked to which can bring more traffic to your website.

If you constantly make good content people will start to recognise you as an expert in the industry, and who doesn’t want to work with an expert. More people will visit your website for your content and more traffic ultimately means more conversions. 

Types of Content

Microphone and headphones on a desk in front of a window

There are endless possibilities when it comes to content, it all depends on how creative you are willing to be. You can make blogs like this one, video content or push out emails, publish e-books and so on. Don’t neglect things like social media posts and infographics too as these can be very powerful tools.

If you want to cement yourself as an expert and have the knowledge to back it up, think about hosting a seminar, these can even be monetised once people know who you are and a weekly podcast can work wonders for building an audience and building up brand recognition.

Running The Household

“Build it and they will come” is as relevant now as it was when it was first said in the 1989 film Field of Dreams, especially in marketing. If you can make stand out content people will find it and those people will talk. You can push your content out on social media linking back to your blogs, podcast or whatever piece of content you decided to make.

Getting traction can also be a difficult task and will require a lot of effort and learning but if done right will achieve results. Alternatively, you can hire a company like us, who can handle it all for you. We can create content that both you and your audience will love and push it out for you, if you’re interested why not get in touch?